Experts at detecting lead then developing and monitoring plans for its efficient, cost-effective removal
Move the slider above to view this room as we do. We might see lead in the wall paint, water pipes, in stained glass as well as other locations. Seeing what others don’t is the ART of Hazardous Material Detection.
We have made an art out of detecting and helping clients to eliminate lead. Almost 40 years of experience in inspecting for and finding lead across a variety of settings ranging from churches and schools to prisons and warehouses have made us experts not just in how to find it, but also in developing plans to efficiently and predictably remove it from almost any environment.
A heavy metal that occurs naturally in the Earth’s crust, lead was one of the first metals used by humans and, coincidentally, the source of one of the first-ever recorded occupational diseases – lead colic in a Roman Empire metal worker. Due to its malleability, lead was the favored material for pipes used in plumbing (in fact, the word plumbing comes from the latin word for lead – plumbum). Lead was also used extensively as a source of pigment, corrosion inhibitor and drying agent in paints. In the mid-1970s, concerns over its toxicity led to a Consumer Protection Safety Commission ban of lead in paint, legislation concerning lead in pipes for drinking water followed in the ‘80s.
Though these practices are now prohibited, lead contamination continues to threaten the wellness of our population and our ecosystems. Adelaide’s team of lead risk assessors and lead inspectors are certified by the Environmental Protection Agency and have the expertise necessary to effectively evaluate conditions, plan the remediation, and monitor the abatement of lead wherever it occurs inside your building, and in the soil and drinking water surrounding your building.
We know detecting and then contending with the presence of lead in a building or on site can have serious implications beyond the obvious health concerns. This is why, with our team of certified inspectors and management planners, we’ve developed a proven and predictable approach for lead detection, lead remediation planning and the monitoring of lead encapsulation or removal.
If you have a question about lead detection, remediation planning and removal monitoring, please contact us today.
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