Experts at detecting PCBs then developing and monitoring plans for their efficient, cost-effective removal
Move the slider above to view this room as we do. We might detect PCBs in window caulk or moulding, fluorescent light ballasts, hydraulic elevator oil or other areas. Seeing what others don’t is the ART of Hazardous Material Detection.
We know how to detect and plan for the elimination of polychlorinated biphenyls, more commonly known as PCBs. We have almost 40 years of experience detecting PCBs in schools, medical, mental health, government and correctional facilities, manufacturing plants, office buildings and a variety of other locations. We have become experts not just in how to find PCBs but in developing plans to remove them from almost any environment in an efficient and predictable way.
PCBs are a group of man-made chemicals known for their chemical stability and significant resistance to breakdown from fire or heat. For a period of about 50 years, beginning in 1929, an estimated 1.5 billion pounds of PCBs were produced in the USA and used as an insulating or cooling agent across a variety of applications: electrical devices, manufacturing equipment, wire insulation, hydraulic fluids, paint and caulk and other thermal insulating products.
Mounting evidence connecting PCBs with health risks such as irritation of the nose, lungs and skin after acute exposure and, more alarmingly, birth defects in children born to mothers chronically exposed to PCBs and cancer in people with chronic exposure led the US government banned the further manufacture and use of PCBs in 1979.
It is estimated that about 10% of the PCBs produced since 1929 still remain in the environment today; PCBs persist in buildings in many forms including presence in commercial lighting fixtures, transformers, heat transfer fluids, soil, and most commonly, old window caulking. The professional team at Adelaide is experienced in surveying and sampling, then managing the abatement of PCBs as a common circumstance of renovation and rehabilitation projects.
We know detecting and then contending with the presence of PCBs in a building can have serious implications beyond the obvious health concerns. Legal, financial and predictability issues all come into play. This is why, with our team of certified inspectors and management planners, we’ve developed a proven approach for PCB detection, PCB remediation planning and the monitoring of PCB abatement.
If you have a question about PCB detection, PCB remediation planning and PCB removal monitoring, please contact us today.
PCBs News
Managing Remediation Waste From Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Cleanups
Accurate monitoring during the PCB remediation waste process is critical to ensure regulatory and safety codes are followed. Zero tolerance can be afforded to guarantee the safe and secure removal of the hazardous material. Read Entire Article Published on
Read ArticlePosted on 2013-11-08
Review of PCBs in US Schools: A Brief History, Estimate of the Number of Impacted Schools, and an Approach for Evaluating Indoor Air Samples
As a partner with school districts across the state, the presence (and danger) of PCB’s in learning environments is a serious concern for us. Schools must be aware and ensure they are within the limits of health-based PCB levels. Read Entire Article Published on
Read ArticlePosted on 2013-11-08
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB)
Study on PCBs in New York Public Schools Read Entire Article Published on
Read ArticlePosted on 2013-11-08